It began with a"Simple tale" between "Good vs Evil", Star Wars has transformed became "Space opera" with thousand of morality passage. Passage that came from spiritual, civilization, history, and epic heroic story of those myth ever written around the world. the last point mentioned
is the most common value that inspired this story of galactic wars. each scene and each character are isnpired by the myth.
Star Wars began to be written by George Lucas in the 70' where the world condition including United States were in turmoil. Desperation was spreaded accross the globe where the oil price rose over the top and "Watergate" scandal made President Richard
Nixon signed is resignation. Instantly US and The World are ini hopeless situation. Psycological condition of society became blurred to separate things whether it was right or not.
Star Wars story that came to the middle of society was inspired by various myths. Values that contained on those myths are how to separate beetween right and wrong generally, on the other words "Good vs Evil".
The 1st edition of Star Wars (Episode IV):"a New Hope", told the simple story of the battle in Galaxy between "Good vs Evil". On the following episodes, Star Wars became richer in planted values of philosophy, history,spiritual dan of course myth.
According Dr. Joan Breton Connelly, Fine Art Professor of New York University; "what is so interesting about approaching The Star Wars cycle is very much like an archaeologycal excavation, on the surface everyone can say "Excalibur" when people saw the Light Saber, if you go to deeper level when came to the death star, it may referring to the journey of Oddyseus into The Underworld "
Every myth that was being shown in Star Wars taugh us how human to behave properly, how to conduct others people and of course ourselves, and how to separate "right" and "wrong".
Star Wars filled with a lot of mhytical nuances,
came from relation of the writter George Lucas with the historian from
University of Colombia, Joseph Campbell. He is the one who wrote "The Hero With a Thousand Faces". this book was spreaded accross United States and become the reference
of a lot of Universities in US. this book of course had been red George Lucas. The insight of this book is how the civilizations accross the globe have their own myth stories with the different characters, yet those have the similarity of the value. On his Dr. Campbell said that myth is the metafor of human experiences on their lives". Dr. Jonathan Young, Curator from "Joseph Campbell
Archives" said that Dr. Joseph Campbell himself was inspired by the idea of the Psycholog Carl Jung that said human processed visual experiences where it is go deeper creating fantastic idea that overwhelmed the real experiences. that the myth is all about.
George Lucas who implementedthose things to the visual art of Star Wars really practiced the theories from Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung properly. It had been proven with much thing of story proportion that deeply influenced by the myth.
"Hero With a Thousand Faces" |
1. Heroic Journeys
On each beginning of Star Wars
trilogy, either Episode IV, V, VI
(1977-1983), or those prequel Episode I, II, III (1999-2005) , told the story of transtitioning process of common people like Luke Skywalker, or the slave like Anakin
Skywalker. those two men were transformed became heroes, even the two of them did not expect becoming "Heroes" in Galaxy.
Luke & Anakin Skywalker |
These two men had strugled to rise the good side of themselves and tried to stay away from the dark side of themselves, even later Anakin Skywalker failed to avoid the dark side and choosed it. The journey of Anakin Skywalker ended tragically because of his arrogance, fear, and lust. those characters lead him to the dark side and became Darth Vader.