Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Why Justice League is Better than BvS ?

Warner Bros Pictures
Justice League Review: a Slightly Better DCEU Movie
Have you watched Justice League yet ? One of the most anticipated cinema flicks at least for the last 2 years. This movie has finally arrived. yet, a lot of expectation come from die hard DC Comic fans and casual fans. Just like BvS, the current confrontation now is between fans and movie critics as rotten tomatoes gave 39% of rating or it is called "rotten". Many people say it's too harsh. but at least it has slightly better rating than BvS (27%).
For me, Justice League is treated better than BvS. When BvS had a lot of troubles from the beginning to the end, such as plot, characterization, and the 3rd act, Justice League has no problem at all at those criteria. perhaps, the most underlining problem from Justice League is; Complexity, motivation, and theatrical cut

Saturday, 20 May 2017

What Makes a Hero becomes a Hero; antara Kita, Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen, dan Frodo Baggins.

source: Wikipedia
What Makes a Hero becomes a Hero; antara Kita, Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen, dan Frodo Baggins.
Apa persamaan Harry Potter, Katnis Everdeen, dan Frodo Baggins ? tahukah bahwa tiga karakter ini memiliki satu persamaan mendasar dan bahkan memiliki alur kehidupan yang sama pada masing-masing kisanhnya,. percayakah anda ?
Joseph Campbell,  penulis buku "The Hero with a Thousand Faces", seorang ahli yang mempelajari mitologi kepahlawanan dari hampir seluruh peradaban di dunia. Joseph Campbell meneliti perjalan atau mono-myth figure-figur kepahlawanan dalam mitologi pada masing-masing peradaban.
Mono-myth  secara lebih mendalam menjelaskan suatu siklus kepahlawanan dari awal hingga akhir perjalanan kepahlawanan dan terus berputar secara berkelanjutan membentuk suatu siklus perjalanan. Siklus tersebut secara garis besar memiliki dua fase besar, yaitu ordinary world dan special world dengan beberapa fase-fase krusial menyertai dua fase besar itu. Kejadian-kejadian krusial apabila diamati pada setiap kisah kepahlawanan, polanya selalu sama.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Why do We Love? Sebuah Pertentangan Makna Cinta Selama Berabad-Abad

Source: static.independent.co.uk
Cinta, indah dan menghayutkan, terkadang menyedihkan atau bahkan semua rasa itu tumbuh menjadi satu. Kenapa kita mempertaruhkan diri kita kedalam ke dalam pergumulan emosi yang rumit ini ? Apakah cinta membuat hidup kita lebih bermakna? Menjadi pelarian dari rasa sepi dan derita? menjadi pelampiasan hasrat seksual? Atau hal yang natural bagi kita sebagai spesies untuk memiliki keturunan?
Apabila Cinta memiliki suatu tujuan? Baik ilmuan biologi atau psikolog belum mendapatkan alasan-alasan yang meyakinkan. Akan tetapi, selama ratusan tahun peradaban manusia, para filsuf memiliki pemahama yang menarik dan mendalam.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Leadership & Culture on Strategic Management

1. Leadership and Culture
According to Prince and Robinson (2013), organization leadership is the process and practice from the executive to direct and guide people form the organization direct to the vision all the time. Besides, it develops leadership, the future of its organization, and the culture of the organization.
Source: yscouts.com

Furthermore, Kotter (1990) explained that management is all about facing complexity. Its practice and procedure generally are the responses against dynamical issue from 20th century: the rose of big organizations.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

The Art of "Move and Act"

Courtessy: Pinterest
The Art of "Move and Act"
A German Novelist, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, once said, “To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking.” Perhaps, that's why there just a few of people continues and moves toward act. According to Gregg Harris, 2/3 (67 from 100) of the observed people decided the goal for themselves. but, from 67 people only 10 people who made some realistic plan to achieve their goal. and, from 10 people, only 2 people who enlarged and ran the plan and actually achieved their plan.

Saturday, 28 January 2017

 Indonesia, Earth's Finest Crown Jewel

Mount Bromo
Indonesia, The Hidden Jewel from Asia
It is barely known that the most marvelous country in the world is located in Southeast Asia. someone says it is Bali, yet Bali is one of the province which located in that country. Bali is just one of the numerous wonderful places there. therefore, It is Indonesia what we are talking about. The Country where Bali island lies. There are so many places are quite as wonderful as Bali such as Lombok, Raja Ampat, Bromo, or Toraja. So, If Bali is just one of them, can you imagine how marvelous Indonesia is.
Introducing Indonesia, the world's most beautiful and diverse country and hhy should we call it Earth's Finest Crown Jewel ?

Saturday, 21 January 2017

The Joker: Philosophy and Psychology of The Ultimate Lunatic Villain

©Warner Brothers
The Joker: Philosophy and Psychology of The Ultimate Lunatic Villain
Journey to ultimate heart of the darkness none is more explosive than the homicidal nemesis named Joker, Introduce in 1940, The Joker has been featured in hundreds of comics and cartoons and  4 live action films. The Joker character is inspired by Victor Hugo’s hero Gwynplaine in the 1928 film adaptation The Man Who Laugh. Despite of involved in so many comics, cartoons and live action films, his motive on those stories has been surprisingly the same. It represents an extreme version of reaction we have all felt on the daily basis. There are a lot explanation for something that made the Joker as he is. once involved in tragedy into chemical pool has been the most consistent back story of the Joker.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Why Will Spiderman:Homecoming be The Most Genuine Spider-Man Movie?

©Marvel Studios
Why Will Spiderman:Homecoming be The Most Genuine Spider-Man Movie?
The very first trailer really shows us what kind of Spider-Man movie will be delivered. As we saw on that trailer, it shows us that this Spider-Man movie, Spider-Man :Homecoming might be the most genuine Spider-Man movie so far. Probably this Version of Spider-Man potrayed by Tom Holland is really nail Peter Parker’s character as he is in the comics.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Konflik Timur Tengah: Pembenaran Demi Tegaknya "Demokrasi dan HAM"

Courtessy: www.arrahman.com
Konflik Timur Tengah: Pembenaran Demi Tegaknya "Demokrasi dan HAM"
Konflik di Timur Tengah yang berkepanjangan sejak Perang Dunia II hingga Perang Sipil di Suriah tentu menimbulkan pertanyaan kenapa konflik-konflik tersebut terus terjadi dari satu Negara ke Negara lainnya di Timur Tengah. Dalih membela Demokrasi dan HAM menjadi alasan Negara-negara Barat (Amerika Serikat dan Negara Sekutunya) terus menginvasi Timur Tengah. Namun, apakah pantas apabila Demokrasi dan HAM yang dijunjung tinggi tersebut dibela dengan Senapan, Tank dan Pesawat Tempur ? Tentu ada alasan lain dibalik alasan Demokrasi dan HAM. Proyek Pembangunan Israel Raya dan penguasaan Energi Fosil kini seolah menjadi alasan yang tidak bisa lagi ditutupi oleh Amerika Serikat dan Negara Sekutunya. Namun, kenapa Rakyat Amerika Serikat atau Negara-negara Barat lainnya seolah bungkam terhadap aksi Invasi tersebut ? lalu kenapa publik selalu memberikan dukungan atas aksi tersebut ?