“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” Movie Review: a Good Time to Feel the Justice (League)
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Batman v Superman:
Dawn of Justice has been finally being released on the fourth week of March. It’s
kind a bizarre time when all the people talk and watch this movie. It’s been
years in the making. A lot of speculations, issues, and predictions about how
this movie would go. However this one of the most anticipated movie and it
has been finally here. Batman v Superman is
one of the most wanted movie for couple of years. Dozens of hope and
expectation were throwing through this movie. The question, how’s the movie ?
there are a lot of things to answer this mighty question. The first thing is, this movie isn’t very
good, yet it isn’t bad thought. There is a lot of good things in this movie and also some bad things as this movie It was set-up to many stories and plots in just a single movie and so on.
The first thing that
is quite good in this movie is the appearance of Ben Affleck as Bruce
Wayne/Batman. I thing he is very clever to potray Bruce Wayne/Batman character.
He is very fit to fulfill Zack Snyder's expectation on righteous huffy, brutal, unforgiving and “bad”
Bat vigilante. He is quite fulfilling the comic books fans in potraying Bruce
Wayne as this movie took a reference in Frank Miller’s The Dark
Knight Returns comic book. Ben Affleck is really solid. He is phenomenal, 100
percent authentic. When Michael Keaton was weird potraying Bruce Wayne, Clooney
was too clumsy, Christian Bale might have been a little bit theatrical, Ben
Affleck is the new option of Bruce Wayne’s character.
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On the other hand, Henry
Cavill did a decent job as Superman. He gave a good expectation to the viewer. However,
his appearance did not exceed fans’
expectation, nor exceeded his own performance in “Man of Steel”. Nevertheless, he still the best actor who
potraying Superman In the modern era.
Jesse Eisenberg did a
decent performance and might have been one of the best villain the performance
to remember on DC Universe since Heath Ledger’s Joker. Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex
Luthor is very good, fun, genius, young and dangerous at the very same time.
The writers’ (Chris Terrio and David S. Goyer) concept about the new and fresh
Lex Luthor was very compelling and gave some refreshment in this character. We
are no longer saw the old, clumsy and bald Lex Luthor anymore. From my
perspective, I Love to
see Lex Luthor set the whole thing up.
Genius, unpredictable and cold blooded.
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Talk about the one
who stole the show the middle of the brawl of Batman v Superman is Wonder Woman
(Diana Prince). Potrayed by Gal Gadot as the former Israeli military combat
trainer and Miss Universe beauty pageant participant, he is really representing
the power of feminist. The persona, the action, even the soundtrack of her own
are completely great. Everything wonderful on Wonder Woman’s side. Her
convincing performance in this movie could influence the studio decision on her
future standalone movie and her role in the Justice League. He may get more
crucial position in DC Extended Universe.
The way of Zack
Snyder to tease the members of Justice League is another good thing in this
movie. I love the way of revealing these character one by one straight in the
middle of this movie without creating some after-credit scene. We found that
this movie is very super serious of superheroes movie, it is dark a many of
strange plots (typically Zach Snyder’s movie) such as a dream sequence which
might have been confusing casual viewers. This isn’t familiar superhero movie
that all people know and couldn’t be compared with Marvel Cinematic Universe
with its bright, direct plot action and humor typical. This is a superhero-political-humandkind
action drama with 45 percents of actions, 55 percents are characters’ interactions.
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It's adult superhero
movie every parent or adult people should reconsider themselves if they want to
bring their children to watch this movie. Event for adult people themselves, it
is uneasy to digest the messed up plot and story particularly for the casual
viewers. It is inaccessible to them, they might don’t really understand some specific
things, such as the opening movie scene that showed the closing moment of Man of
Steal movie from Bruce Wayne’s perspective, the idea of the omega symbol during Bruce
Wayne’s dream sequence which is a symbol of Darkseid. The one that explained by
Lex Luthor in the end of the movie.
Beyond these all good stuffs, there are sort of things that most of people thought could have
been avoided by this filmmaker, such as the sequence when the people could go
off Wayne Enterprises’ building earlier during the battle of Metropolis on the
opening scene and Batman and Superman
shouldn’t have been fighting if they were talking each other at least in 30
seconds conversation. The plot of this movie is kind of little bit messed up,
this might be the side effect of trying to set up Justice League Movie in just being
preceded by two movie including this movie. This effect makes the whole story
looks like being contained by 3-4 movies /plots all along in just a single movie.
Regardless of good
and bad stuffs in Batman v Superman movie, this movie is okay to be enjoyed. This
movie has also bringing a whole new concept of superhero as we know. We saw the
drama, thriller, action package and indirect story telling all along on this
superhero genre that we’ve never seen before. And it is unpredictable in the
certain scene including the faith of Superman after fighting against Doomsday in the end of this movie. Finally
we should enjoy and feel a breathe of relief as Warner Bros’ DC Extended Universe
opens their own way as one the major player. This movie may not be perfect but
we could tease and feel some great
things to come.
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