Saturday, 19 November 2016

Outlook Ekonomi Indonesia 2017, Pemetaan Menuju Kesejahteraan Nasional

Outlook Ekonomi Indonesia 2017, Pemetaan Menuju Kesejahteraan Nasional
Menyongsong tahun 2017, Indonesia menatap kondisi perekonomian nasional dengan target pertumbuhan pada angka 5,1% dan bahkan bisa mencapai angka 5,3% melalui serangkaian kebijakan seperti; perbaikan dan  pembangunan infrastruktur terintegrasi, deregulasi kebijakan investasi, penurunan tingkat suku bunga acuan, dan peningkatan kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia.
Indonesia adalah negara yang menganut sistem perekonomian terbuka. Dewasa ini hampir tak ada satupun negara yang mengasingkan diri globalisasi perekonomian. Oleh karena itu, segala peristiwa yang tejadi di belahan dunia yang berkaitan dengan Sosial, Politik, Budaya, dan Keamanan akan sangat mempengaruhi perekonomian, baik menjadi peluang maupun ancaman.
Isu keamanan global khususnya gejolak yang terjadi di Timur Tengah turut mempengaruhi stabilitas perekonomian. Hal tersebut erat kaitannya dengan kebijakan geopolitik dua Negara adidaya Amerika Serikat dan Rusia dimana keduanya memiliki pemahaman bersebrangan terhadap krisis tersebut. Kondisi tersebut sedikit banyak mempengaruhi stabilitas perkonomian global baik itu perdagangan maupun nilai tukar, terlebih lagi Indonesia adalah Negara dengan soft currency dimana mata uang Rupiah gampang terpengaruh oleh mata uang hard currency  seperti Dollar Amerika, Euro, maupun Poundsterling.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Analisis Kebijakan Ekonomi Donald Trump dan Pengaruhnya Secara Global

Terpilihnya Donald Trump dalam Pemilihan Presiden Amerika Serikat tahun 2016 mengejutkan seluruh dunia. Diluar prediksi, Donald Trump mengalahkan Hillary Clinton. Keberhasilan Trump memperoleh suara mayoritas Electoral College pada Pemilihan Presiden Amerika Serikat menimbulkan respon yang beragam, utamanya respon negatif, dan respon tersebut terjadi di pasar modal dan pasar keuangan baik di domestik Amerika Serikat, dunia, termasuk di Indonesia. 
Terpilihnya Donald Trump sebagai Presiden ke 45 menimbulkan ketidakpastian pasar global. Disamping dengan hasil tersebut yang cukup mengejutkan, pasar global masih meraba-raba dalam memberikan respon yang tepat akan dampak dari terpilihnya Donald Trump sebagai Presiden. Victory speech dari Donald Trump selepas pemilihan selesai dinilai oleh publik cukup meredakan kepanikan yang ada, namun pidato ini tentunya tidak bisa dijadikan acuan khususnya acuan bagi perekonomian global dalam menyikapi terpilihnya Donald Trump. Program-program ekonomi yang dicanangkan oleh Donald Trump selamanya kampanye tentunya bisa dijadikan acuan utama bagaimana pasar bisa merespon kebijakan ekonomi pemerintahan Donald Trump di masa mendatang setelah pengusaha real-estate tersebut dilantik menjadi Presiden.
Analisis Kebijakan Ekonomi Donald Trump dan Pengaruhnya Secara Global
Pertumbuhan ekonomi menjadi salah satu target atau Key Performance Indicator dalam suatu pemerintahan. Hal tersebut menjadi isu utama bagi Donald Trump selama masa kampanye. Donald Trump mengkritik habis pemerintahan Obama karena dinilai gagal meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi secara optimal karena hanya mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi Amerika Serikat dengan rata-rata 3 % selama masa pemerintahannya. Namun hal tersebut menurut perspektif kondisi perekonomian global masih dapat dimaklumi dikaenakan pada tahun 2008 Amerika Serikat dihantam dengan resesi ekonomi terbesar pasca skandal Watergate.

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Suicide Squad Non-Spoiler Review: Is DCEU Fixed ?

©Warner Bros
Suicide Squad Non-Spoiler Review: Is DCEU Fixed ?
'Suicide Squad' has finally arrived on theatre across the globe this weekend. mixed responses and criticism are widely separated between the fans and critic (Rotten Tomatoes in particular). The fans are hugely excited meanwhile critic's responses are still remain as same responses as 'Batman v Superman'. 'Suicide Squad' just got 26% of Rotten Tomatoes' rating so far. Regardless of those mixed responses between fans and critics, there are some worth highlights to be reviewed on the movie .

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Thor Ragnarok Leaked Trailer Revealed and Guess who is in there ? You'll be surprised

©Marvel Studios
Thor Ragnarok Leaked Footage Revealed and Guess who is in there ? You'll be surprised
In San Diego Comic-Con 2016, Marvel Studios had revealed their next Marvel Cinematics Universe Project, 'Thor: Ragnarok'. This is the third installment of Thor movies and it is gonna be the movie that bring us closer to 'Avengers: Infinity War'.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Suicide Squad : Go Behind The Scene and See The Unprecedented Reaction from All Crew

©Warner Bros
Suicide Squad : Go Behind The Scene and See The Unprecedented Reaction from All Crew
As The Movie comes closer, here are some closer look from the set and the reaction from all crew (All Cast, Producer, and Director) from the most anticipated movie of the year, 'Suicide Squad'.
See also Suicide Squad : Ge Behind The Scene and See The Unprecedented Reaction from All Crew and Suicide Squad ? The 5 Last Things You Need to Know Before Watching Suicide Squad

Suicide Squad ? The 5 Last Things You Need to Know Before Watching Suicide Squad

©Warner Bros
Suicide Squad ? The  5 Last Things You Need to Know Before Watching Suicide Squad
There are many interesting things to be discussed before watching Suicide Squad as many tweets about the Suicide Squad on Twitter, the prison where the villain crouch, iconic the characters, and also the possibility of the ending of the film. Not only is there a discussion of the Suicide Squad, here are 5 last things you need to know both before watching the Suicide Squad. and see also What is Suicide Squad ? The First 5 Things You Need to Know Before Watching 'Suicide Squad'

Sunday, 31 July 2016

What is Suicide Squad ? The First 5 Things You Need to Know Before Watching 'Suicide Squad'

Suicide Squad is the most anticipated of the year according to the amount of tweet on tweeter at least until this summer. A lot of interested thing on this movie adaptation from DC Comic Book first released in 1949 and continued in 1987. These are the first 5 things you need to know before watching 'Suicide Squad' this August.

#5. Social Media Trending
Suicide Squad is a film that most dominating social media, especially Twitter is based on a report from USA Today. This happens because the Suicide Squad is unique compared to other comic book movie adaptation. This film raised the Villain and antihero as the main character. Unlike the film adaptation of other comics such as 'Batman v Superman' or 'The Avengers' when Superheroes characters are raised as the main character.
What is Suicide Squad : The First 5 Things You Need to Know Before Watching 'Suicide Squad'

'Avengers : Infinity War' : The Title Change of The Second Infinity War

©Marvel Studios
'The Avengers : Infinity War' : The Title Change of The Second Infinity War
Marvel Cinematic Universe has brought confirmation that the two 'Avengers: Infinity War' movies are getting new titles, with Marvel announcing that the first will be given a title ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ and the second  still has no titles and referred as Untitled Avengers. The news isn’t too surprising given that the Russo brothers had previously said they were two very different movies, but of course it does raise several questions, will the entire Thanos storyline be wrapped up in a single movie? It’s probably going to be a while before we get any answer.

Saturday, 30 July 2016

'Doctor Strange' (2016) Trailer 2 Fully Explained

©Marvel Studios
What Do we know so far: 'Doctor Strange' (2016) Trailer 2 Breakdown
Marvel fans will be introduced to the Parallel Universe and Magic world as Doctor Strange coming to the MCU Lineup. Recently, in San Diego Comic-Con 2016, Marvel Studios have finally revealed the latest trailer for this movie which will come this December 2016.

The Trailer is actually trailer number 2 after the first trailer had been dropped last April. The latest trailer was showing us about the environment which would be delivered in this film. We've seen the magical world of Doctor Strange' world and it would change the reality of the world as we perceived. It also will change the add the whole new world of Marvel Cinematics Universe. Shaping reality, interdimensional portal, and energy manipulating are the common stuffs in Doctor Strange movie.

Supergirl Season 2 Introduced Tyler Hoechlin as Superman

Supergirl Season 2 Introduced Tyler Hoechlin as Superman
Supergirl season 2 will be aired on CBS in the 10th of October 2016. but, the anticipation and the excitement for this season are so huge recently. The introduction of Superman in this series is one of the most impactful thing that makes the excitement and discussion among the fans are so huge. Superman had been introduced in season one via silhouette, but in the second season, Superman is introduced in his full appearance and he will be in the most of episodes of Supergirl season 2. 

How would 'Power Rangers' The Movie (2017) be as dark as The Dark Knight Trilogy ?

How would 'Power Rangers' The Movie (2017) be as dark as The Dark Knight Trilogy ? 
Bryan Cranston, Academy Awards Nominee and Grammy Awards Winner known in TV Serial 'Breaking Bad' had been choosen to potray a legendary character in 'Power Rangers' movie which will be released in 2017.

Bryan Cranston stated that he is not to interested in joining to this project until finally his response suddenly changed after Cranston red the script. According to Nerdist News, Bryan Cranston gave a statement:

The Latest stuffs about 'Spiderman : Homecoming' (2017) New Set Photos, Main Villain, and Tom Holland's Comic-Con Statement

The Latest stuffs about 'Spiderman : Homecoming' (2017) New Set Photos, Main Villain, and Tom Holland's Comic-Con Statement
It's quite Surprising, we've got the latest Tom Holland's Spiderman set photos thanks to We will see couples of photo shown Tom Holland was doing a few stunts in the film. We've also known that the main Villain in this movie is gonna be Vulture whom Michael Keaton will play as.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Wonder Woman (2017) Comic-Con 2016 Trailer, What do We Know So Far

©Warner Bros
Wonder Woman (2017) Comic-Con 2016 Trailer, What do We Know So Far
Warner Bros and DC have already dropped a brand new trailer ‘Wonder Woman’ in San Diego Comic-Con 2016 earlier this week. This trailer revealed some of crucial stuffs for this incoming next year movie.

Sunday, 24 July 2016

DC Justice League (2017) Trailer Comic-Con 2016 Breakdown

©Warner Bros
DC Justice League (2017) Trailer Comic-Con 2016 Breakdown
It was surprising, Warner Bros collaborating with DC Comics have releasing the very first footage of 'Justice League' movie in San Diego Comic-Con 2016 (SDCC 2016). This movie will come by the end of 2017. It also becomes a continuation of DC Extended Universe.

All About DC Extended Universe in Comic-Con 2016: Justice League, Wonder Woman, Suicide Squad

©Warner Bros
All About DC Extended Universe in Comic-Con 2016: Justice League, Wonder Woman, Suicide Squad
We are finally got some of the significant footages about DC Extended Universe in San Diego Comic-Con 2016. We finally got the 1st reveal of 'Jutice League' (November 2017), 'Wonder Woman' (June 2017) and 'Suicide Squad' (August 2016). and here are the footages:

Friday, 22 July 2016

Here are Some of The Latest Clips from Suicide Squad's Main Characters

©Warner Bros
Here are Some of The Latest Clips from Suicide Squad's Main Characters

1. The Master Puppets - Amanda Waller

2. 6313 Years Young - Enchantress

Thursday, 21 July 2016

WWE Brand Extension: Some of the Keys for Moving Forward instead of Moving Backward

WWE Brand Extension: Some of the Keys for Moving Forward instead of Moving Backward
WWE had decided to yet again splitting their two major show Raw and Smackdown as WWE giving their broadcast license to USA Network for both Raw and Smackdown. This broadcast license especially for Smackdown gives the major impact for the 'B' show of WWE. Smackdown now is having a promising future at least its rating will rise up.
WWE capitalize that moment, now WWE want the extend their show into equal position for both Raw and Smackdown. But, is this the best decision for the company ? is this a backward movement or forward movement for the company ?

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Wonder Woman's Preview (2017) in San Diego Comic-Con 2016 (English)

©Warner Bros
Wonder Woman's Preview (2017) in San Diego Comic-Con 2016 (English)
Wonder Woman is one of the biggest part of DC Extended Universe. As the Production House of that movie, Warner Bros will present  this movie in San Diego Comic-Con 2016. Some of the teasers had been released by Warner Bros before the show take place on 21st-24th of July 2016.
A thing that very dominance of this teaser is Wonder Woman's suit with a brighter color than her suit on 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice'. The combination of red and blue color is clearly being seen on that photo. This reminds all of DC Comics fan to Wonder Woman from the golden era of comic in early 1940's. This combination is surely fit for the background of this movie which taking place in World War I era.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Preview Wonder Woman (2017) di San Diego Comic-Con 2016

©Warner Bros
Preview Wonder Woman (2017) di San Diego Comic-Con 2016
Wonder Woman akan menjadi salah satu bagian dari DC Extended Universe. Sebagai rumah produksi film tersebut, Warner Bros akan mempresentasikan film tersebut di acara San Diego Comic-Con 2016. Beberapa teaser telah dikeluarkan oleh Warner Bros sebelum acara tersebut berlangsung pada tanggal 21-24 Juli 2016.
Hal yang paling dominan dari teaser tersebut adalah kostum Wonder Woman dengan desain warna yang lebih mencolok dari pada penampilan karakter tersebut di film Batman v Superman. Perpaduan warna merah dan biru terlihat jelas pada foto tersebut. Hal ini mengingatkan para penggemar DC Comics pada karakter Wonder Woman di era Golden Age tahun 1940-an. Perpaduan tersebut memang pas dengan alur setting cerita Wonder Woman yang akan mengambil setting di Perang Dunia I.

Monday, 18 July 2016

Bagaimana Power Rangers The Movie (2017) Akan Seperti Trilogi The Dark Knight ?

Bagaimana Power Rangers The Movie (2017) Akan Seperti Trilogi The Dark Knight ? 
Bryan Cranston, actor nominee Oscar dan pemenang Grammy Awards yang terkenal lewat serial Breaking Bad terpilih untuk memerankan salah satu karakter legendaris dalam film Power Rangers yang akan dirilis pada tahun 2017.
Bryan Cranston sendiri mengaku tidak terlalu tertarik untuk bergabung dalam proyek film tersebut hingga akhirnya responnya berubah setelah membaca script filmnya. Seperti dirilis oleh portal berita Nerdist News, Bryan Cranston memberikan statement:

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Catatan Pendek Euro 2016; Mulai dari Dokter Gigi, Lady Zaza, hingga Siklus 12 Tahun

©Getty Images
Setelah satu bulan yang lalu membicarakan berbagai spekulasi apa saja yang akan terjadi di Euro Perancis 2016, kompetisi akhirnya berakhir. Fans dalam sorotan, nostalgia hooliganisme diulang oleh pemain lama. Beberapa fans bertarung dijalan ketika beberapa fans lainnya bersama-sama bernyanyi lantang dan yang lainnya bernyanyi meneriakan "The Man on Fire" di Arena.
Legenda 3 Singa sempat membuat Sang Naga berteriak kesakitan, namun akhirnya 3 Singa berteriak kesakitan ketika taringnya dicabut oleh si Dokter Gigi. Legenda lain yang bernama Zlatan akhirnya harus mundur mengakui kekalahannya.

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Apa Saja yang Terjadi di Trailer "Rogue One: a Star Wars Story" - Celebration Reel ?

Trailer Rogue One: a Star Wars Story telah diluncurkan bersamaan dengan acara Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016 yang berlangsung London. Trailer yang menampilkan cuplikan pengambilan gambar pada proses syuting Rogue One ini menyimpan beberapa clue sebelum filmnya resmi ditayangkan pada tanggal 16 Desember 2016. Di Acara Star Wars Celebration 2016, para pemeran Rogue One diundang ke panel untuk menjadi pembicara sehingga terungkap seperti apa saja peran mereka.  
©Lucas Film

5 Hal Kedua yang Perlu Diketahui Sebelum Menonton Suicide Squad

©Warner Bros
Ada banyak hal-hal menarik untuk dibahas sebelum menyaksikan Suicide Squad seperti banyaknya kicauan mengenai Suicide Squad di Twitter, penjara tempat para villain mendekam, daya Tarik para pemerannya, dan juga kemungkinan ending dari film ini. Tidak hanya disitu bahasan mengenai Suicide Squad,  berikut adalah 5 hal kedua yang perlu diketahui sebelum menonton Suicide Squad.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

5 Hal Pertama yang Perlu Diketahui Sebelum Menonton Suicide Squad.

Suicide Squad adalah film yang paling ditunggu pada tahun ini berdasarkan jumlah kicauan di social media Twitter setidaknya hingga musim panas ini. Banyak hal-hal menarik dari film adaptasi DC Comics yang pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 1949 dan berlanjut pada edisi kedua di tahun 1987. berikut adalah 5 hal pertama yang perlu diketahui sebelum menonton Suicide Squad.

#5. Social Media Trending
Suicide Squad adalah film yang paling mendominasi social media terutama Twitter berdasarkan laporan dari USA Today. Hal ini terjadi karena Suicide Squad memiliki keunikan tersendiri dibanding film adaptasi komik lainnya. Film ini mengangkat para Villain dan Antihero sebagai tokoh utamanya. Berbeda dengan Film adaptasi komik lainnya seperti Batman v Superman atau The Avengers yang mengangkat karakter Superhero sebagai tokoh utama.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Apa saja yang akan terjadi pada Suicide Squad ? Bocoran di Comic-Con 2016

©Warner Bros
Film Suicide Squad semakin mendekat masa tayangnya. Pihak Warner Bros sebagai produsen film tersebut tengah mempersiapkan beberapa promosi di acara Comic-Con 2016. Ada beberapa isu dan bocoran yang beredar seputar film tersebut. Berdasarkan vlog Emergency Awesome, beberapa bocoran cerita akan dipublish di acara Comic-Con tersebut.
Salah satu isu utama yang tengah mengemuka adalah alur cerita

Saturday, 9 July 2016

10 Karakter di FIlm Suicide Squad; Worst of the Worst Line Up

©Warner Bros
Suicide Squad merupakan film adaptasi DC komik yang semakin familiar terlebih dengan makin sering diperbincangkannya film tersebut di berbagai media. Squad ini berisikan para penjahat yang dijuluki "worst of the worst". kriminal dengan track record yang buruk dan kejam. 
ada beberapa anggota Suicide Squad yang memang sudah cukup familiar terutama Harley Quinn yang sudah sering muncul dalam serial TV dan Komik Batman namun tidak semua anggota Suicide Squad dikenal secara luas. Berikut uraian singkat dari semua anggota Suicide Squad termasuk villain  yang berada diluar squad.

Friday, 8 July 2016

Suicide Squad, di Antara Ekspektasi Publik dan Respon Negatif BvS

©Warner Bros
Suicide Squad menjadi film yng paling dinantikan oleh publik. hal itu setidaknya terlihat dari animo para pengguna sosial media Twitter. Seperti dilansir oleh USA Today, Suicide Squad menjadi film yang paling banyak diperbincangkan di Twitter dimana antara periode 1 Maret sampai dengan 26 Mei 2016. Jumlah kicauan yang memperbincangkan Suicide Squad antara periode tersebut mencapai 1 Juta kicauan, jauh meninggalkan film Finding Dory (869 ribu kicauan), Ghostbuster (565 ribu kicauan)  Me Before You dengan 329 ribu kicauan, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (251 ribu Kicauan) dan Warcraft (244 ribu kicauan).

Tingginya ekspektasi publik terhadap film tersebut diakui meningkatkan pressure bagi sutradara film tersebut David Ayer seperti dikutip di majalah Entertainment Weekly. Terlebih lagi dengan adanya respon negatif terhadap film DC extended Universe yang tayang sebelum Suicide Squad; Batman v Superman. Batman v Superman mendapat rating "Tomat busuk" dari Rotten Tomatoes.

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Zagreb 1990 and The Rise of Croatia Golden Generation

©Getty Images
Croatia nowadays is one of the football nation, the ultimate underdog of football and the most brilliant talented football producer in Europe. But, who knows in the beginning of 1990, Croatia was a tiny part of Yugoslavia territory, they were a minority and always being under the pressure of Serbian ethnic.
On the history book, the independence day of Croatia from Yugoslavia took place on the 25th of June 1991. However, many Croatian regard their independence day happened on the 13th of May 1990 on one of the bloodiest football match in history; Zagreb Tragedy.
On the national league match (Yugoslavian League) between Dinamo Zagreb (Croatia) against Red Star Belgrade (Pride of many Serbian). as the matter of fact, at that time Croatia was still being a part of Yugoslavia territory. On many occasions, the rivalry clash between these two clubs was always colored by an ethnic issue as Dinamo Zagreb fans and Red Star Belgrade fans were coming from two different ethnics.

See Also: 5 of the Biggest International Sporting Events You Should Watch in Your Lifetime
See Also: Ambition, Rise and Fall of Italian Serie-A

The clash of 13th of May 1990 was different than any other previous clashes. Maximir Stadium, home of Dinamo Zagreb were fully loaded by either fans. The visitor's supporters were coming with 3.000 people under the name of "Delije" Ultras. "Delije" was led by

Sunday, 12 June 2016

What Have Mankind Done to The Mother Earth in 3 Seconds of Their Existence

Have we realized that the age of our planet is 45 Billion years old, while the mankind, according to the reliable history book is just 40 thousand years old. if we change the perspective and the scale of the time being into 24 hours, we will find that our existence as mankind is just surprisingly 3 seconds. In just 3 seconds of 24 hours scale,
as Homo Sapiens we've done so many terrible things. We proudly named our existence "Homo Sapiens".Homo sapiens itself has a meaning "Wise Men". We establish so many civilization, we split the atom, build advance technology, landed on the moon, and try to expand our existence to the distance universe.

Monday, 28 March 2016

“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” Movie Review: a Good Time to Feel the Justice (League)

©Warner Bros
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has been finally being released on the fourth week of March. It’s kind a bizarre time when all the people talk and watch this movie. It’s been years in the making. A lot of speculations, issues, and predictions about how this movie would go. However this one of the most anticipated movie and it has been finally here. Batman v Superman is one of the most wanted movie for couple of years. Dozens of hope and expectation were throwing through this movie. The question, how’s the movie ? there are a lot of things to answer this mighty question.  The first thing is, this movie isn’t very good, yet it isn’t bad thought. There is a lot of good things in this movie and also some bad things as this movie It was set-up to many stories and plots in just a single movie and so on.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Financial Damage of Marvel Cinematic Universe Battles Compared to Real-life Events

©Marvel Studio
In Captain America: Civil War Trailer 2, It has been revealed that General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross showed to the Avengers' member some fact about fatalities (Financial damage and Casualties) from the recent tragedy involved the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. Those tragedies are New York Chitauri Attack, Hydra's attack at S.H.I.E.L.D's headquarter in Washington DC and Sokovia Battle which involved the Avengers and Ultron.
©Marvel Studio

©Marvel Studio
©Marvel Studio
Those several tragedies were bringing the damage either physically or financially. Regardless of physical damage, In New York's Chitauri attack, It was estimated that this tragedy absorbed USD 18.8 billions of financial damage. Washington tragedy at S.H.I.E.L.D's headquarter absorbed USD 2.8 billions of financial damage, meanwhile; Sokovia Battle was estimated absorbed USD 474 billions of financial damage, the biggest among these three tragedies. 

Monday, 14 March 2016

WWE Roadblock Review: How far could This Event Change the Complexion of Wrestlemania 32 (Part2)

#4. Charlotte (WWE Divas Champion) (with Ric Flair) defeated Natalya
This match was an instant classic. one of the most wanted match in divas division for a tittle race. two of the most talented divas faced against each other in WWE Roadblock. For Charlotte himself, he once against proved himself as the tough divas champion before she goes to WrestleMania. Defeated Natalya as one of the most talented diva was a legit. Defeated Natalya via rollup pin fall was a good scenario for WWE. at least it keeps the rivalry between Charlotte and Natalya remains on a surface. Charlotte keeps her path to WrestleMania remain on a balance, meanwhile Natalya still rebuilt her reputation after her long absence in WWE roster.

WWE Roadblock Review: How far could This Event Change the Complexion of Wrestlemania 32 (Part1)

The last Major WWE Network event before WrestleMania had ended as WWE Roadblock (WWE March to WrestleMania: Live From Toronto) closed its last match between the raining defending WWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H against his contender "the Lunatic Fringe" Dean Ambrose. A lot of stories and impressions remain on this event from the rest of the matches and the main event in particular. Perhaps this event will give some major impacts for WrestleMania's complexion as the WWE Universe never though it so much before this event took place.
Here are the review for each match and how these matches would change WrestleMania's complexion.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Trailer 2 "Captain America: Civil War" 5 Major Easter Eggs Revealed

©Marvel Studio

Marvel Studio had released trailer 2 of Captain America: Civil War. There are a lot of surprises and further explanation about what is going to happen in "Captain America: Civil War" Movie such as the rising of underwater prison, Russian Military facilities, Spiderman's surprising first look, etc. A lot of hidden scenes make this trailer is very compelling to be analyzed thereby the background story of this civil war could be clear.

#5. The Underwater Prison Facility Emerges
This prison facility might have been developed by Superhero Registration Act (Sokovia Accords). The main purpose if this facility is to make this prison to be a concentration camp for

Monday, 7 March 2016

Who is Cable: The Man on the Upcoming Deadpool's Sequel

©Marvel Studio
On Deadpool (2016) after credit sequence, Deadpool was breaking the 4th wall and he said that he will feature Cable on the sequel. For those who read Marvel Comic’s books will know who he is. He is featured in various version of Marvel’s comics. Definitely, the most famous comic featured Cable is the spinoffs edition of Cable & Deadpool. The questions; who the hell is Cable A.K.A Nathan Summers ?
Cable A.K.A Nathan Summers  first time appeared on Vol. #1 Uncanny X-men (1986). He appeared on multiple continuities of the X-men franchise using his time travelling tech, he has telepathic and telekinetic powers. He was  a new born conceived by

Sunday, 6 March 2016

How do we feel as Jennifer Lawrence Guides us Aboard The International Space Station ?

Breathtaking and awe-inspiring. This is how we feel when we are watching the trailer of "A beautiful Planet". A documentary movie initiated by IMAX and with cooperation with National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). We will see some beautiful and unique insight into our planet. This is in my opinion such a great documentary that will inspire generations as we are brought to the International Space Station (ISS) to see the perspective of being an astronaut, the beauty and the greatness of our own planet.
The trailer was released on YouTube and it is such a stunning point of view and amazing vantage point of our planet. The documentary directed by Tony Myers aboard us to the International Space Station from the astronauts point of view and the best part of being an astronaut. We will be guided as we heard some beatiful narrations from the astronauts and the special narration from one of the most beautiful vision that earth has

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Super(heroes)Villains Origins: The Suicide Squad

The Suicide Squad recently becomes a new phenomenon on Superhero Movies. The Squad would be on the screen this year. Huge expectation and spotlight are on them. This is a breakthrough on this genre because the concept is completely new and compelling. For the first time we will see some of the baddest villain characters ever in the comic but act as the heroes to save the world. The question is; who is the Suicide Squad really is ? and what kind of the version of the squad on the comic book version ? there are a lot of vesions of the Suicide Squad on the comic ad they had endured some major changed of the member’s compositions year after year since the Suicide Squad was introduced in 1959.

Friday, 4 March 2016

5 Things Need to Happen on "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"

Batman v Superman movie that will be released by the end of this March. As the fans of these two ultimate superheroes off all time, we are hoping dozens of expectation on it. This movie is a decade in the making and such a dream comes true for all die hard fans of DC Comic fans. Everyone hopes this movie would give a new sensation in superhero movie genre and make this movie as an important trailblazer for several movies to come in DC Cinematic Universe. Here are 5 thing need to happen on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
#5. Joker's Appearance
We all know that Joker is the most beloved villain of all time. Something that all of the fans would be agree on it. Everytime Joker appears at Batman movie it always give a big impact, it always be positive for the Batman movie's rating. The Last time Joker was apprearing on The Dark Knight Rises, it gave a huge success. On this latest installment of Batman movie. Even though Joker will not  be the main villain on this movie, we still hope that Joker will appear at least as a cameo on this movie and come to strengthen the story either on Batman's past or future. The biggest possibility for Joker to come on this movie; He would appear as the one who killed Robin's Jason Todd or He could be Jason Todd itself who turned as Joker.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

5 of the Biggest International Sporting Events You Should Watch in Your Lifetime

Sporting event is always exciting and gives some sensation, multiple experiences and emotions. That's why some of the largest, biggest, and famous sporting events always steal everybody's attention from every kind of country, culture and background. there are some of the biggest sporting events that are always waited by almost every people around the world. Here are 5 of the biggest International sporting events you should to watch in your entire life.
#5. Rugby World Cup
Rugby world cup is the tournament held by The International Rugby Board (IRB). this tournament was established for the first time in 1987. the inaugural tournament itself was held by IRB to make this kind of sport more recognizable especially for the countries outside The Bristish Monarch.There wasn't any world scale tournament for this sport before. It was just only involved some of the British dominion countries before the tournament was established. This tournament grows significantly from the total audience watching live in the stadium, television year after year. According to the tournament organizer, they claim The Rugby World Cup as the biggest world sporting event behind the Olympic and FIFA World Cup although this claim still remains in dispute, this tournament is always exciting, and creates some historical moments that you shouldn't miss. There are some of the powerhouse countries dominating this world championship such as Australia, South Africa, England, and Scotland. The most succesive country on this tournament is New Zealand as the All Black collects William Web-Ellis cup 3 times.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Ambition, Rise and Fall of Italian Serie-A

Italian football league, or more known as Italian Serie-A is a football league which born so many big names in world football. It is no doubt that so many legendary names had played on this "Catenaccio" League.
On the 90's, every big European competitions such as Champions League, UEFA League, Winners Cup, Intertoto Cup, had its champions came from Italian Serie-A League. It began with AC Milan's era with its Dutch trio. AC Milan won Champions League 3 times on that era. Sampdoria almost succeded AC Milan's glory by went through on Champions League Final and Juventus succed to be the champion in 1996.
On the early 2000's, Serie A still had managed to rule the Europe. It marked with AC Milan that become a champion again back in 2003 and 2007. The successive campaign continued when Italian National Football Team "Gli Azurri" won the FIFA World Cup although they should face calciopoli  (match fixing scandal). the succesive campaingn of Italian football in Europe was closed by Inter Milan back in 2010 as they won Champions League when Italian Football condition was in the dying moment.   

Road to Wrestlemania 32: What did Just Happen on WWE Fastlane - Part 2

#5. Big Show, Kane and Ryback vs The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper, Eric Rowan and Braun Strowman) with Bray Wyatt

This is what happened when WWE had no idea about storyline for some of the big time players on ground. I still don't know exactly what was this match for. There are no big picture behind them that could bring this match and make this match worthed. WWE Universe may sick and get bored to see some of the clumsy superstars playing on PPV without any strong storyline. for The Wyatt Family it was a terrible as WrestleMania 32 is coming closer. I thought there would be some big plan in the end of the match, but we found nothing on it, the match was end and just like that. this match was Rated-below average.

Road to Wrestlemania 32: What did Just Happen on WWE Fastlane - Part 1

Wrestlemania is just 5 weeks away, WWE Fastlane became the last pay per view before WrestleMania 32. WWE Universe expected some of the big picture for Wrestlemania revealed on this PPV. That was WWE Fastlane supposed to be, and WWE should do that if they want WrestleMania 32 yet again become the record breaking crowd for indoor sporting event.
WWE Fastlane was just finished, there 8 matches got booked from the pre-show match to the triple threat match main event match, there are some "god", "terrible", "awesome", "aweful", and "stole the show" matches. here is my review for WWE Fastlane 2016:

Saturday, 27 February 2016

What did We See on Daredevil Season 2 Trailer Part 2

Daredevil Sason 2 trailer part 2 had been released on the 25th of February 2016. There is a lot of thing that we saw on that scene. We can't miss about specific things on it. Even though part 2 trailer was more focused on Electra, there are a lot more key scenes that we shouldn't miss.
See also: What did We See on Daredevil Season 2 Trailer Part 1

Thursday, 25 February 2016

The Questions Remain on Supergirl & The Flash Crossover

DC's Supergirl & The Flash
DC had confirmed that the crossover between two characters from different channel; Supergirl (CBS) and The Flash (CW) will be released on late March or on the 18th episode of Supergirl. It was clearly very surprising and unpredictable because it didn't take to much time to decide the crossover.
Lots of questions remain on this crossover; do The Flash and Supergirl come from the same earth ? does Supergirl come from earth-2,Earth-3, and so on. A little hint that I'd caught on the 13th episode of The Flash Season 2, When Barry, Harrison Wells, and Cisco tried to enter Earth 2 throught the wormhole, We saw a little sneak peak that Supergirl had been seen on that wormhole. So, the biggest possibility that The Flash will encounter Supergirl from different Earth.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

What did We See on Daredevil Season 2 Trailer Part 1

One of the most watched serial that all Marvel fans have been waiting for "Daredevil Season 2" will be released on 18th March on Netflix.
On the trailer released on 16th of February 2016, this serial will introduce 2 main characters on Marvel Comic, every Marvel's fans will recognize easily, they are The Punisher (Frank Castle) and Electra (Electra Natchios).

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Relive how Michael Jackson Revolutionizes the Super Bowl Halftime Show

Super Bowl XXVII is the most special Superbowl not only for the football fans, but also for music, entertainment, showbiz, The US and also for the people watching around the world. This is special not only because the match between Buffalo Bills v Dallas Cowboy, but the most important thing because the performance of The King of Pop Michael Jackson in between.

Michael Jackson during 1993 Superbowl Halftime Show Opening